A2M / Fibrinogen
Alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) is found in our plasma. This molecule is a powerful inhibitor of cartilage catabolic factors because it slows cartilage breakdown and preventing cartilage loss.
Plasma Protein
Anti -
to Growth Factors
Did you know?
A2M / Fibrinogen is used therapeutically by concentrating platelet poor plasma that dehydrates your plasma leaving a biodiverse cellular makeup with levels of fibrinogen and A2M.
What are the possible risks involved?
A2M is from your own blood, autologous, so there is little to no risk when conducted by a trained professional. Since the cells are autologous there is no chance of having an allergy or immune reaction. Side effects of complications of A2M are extremely rare. Consult your physician for more information.
How long does the process/procedure take?
The total process may take up to 1 hour. During this time your blood will be collected, processed, and reintroduced to your area of injury or illness.
How do you obtain it?
A small amount of peripheral blood is taken from the patient and place into a FDA medically cleared sterile container. This sterile disposable container is placed in a specialized centrifuge, designed to separate the blood and plasma into ‘layers’ of the primary components. The PPS is further processed to produce concentrated A2M. Once the processing is complete, the A2M concentrate is injected or applied, under sterile conditions to prevent infection, into the localized area of abnormality.
Do's & Don'ts
The Do's
Pre and Post injection protocols should be discussed with your doctor. However, having a healthy diet, being well hydrated, and active will help your recovery. Patients are generally able to resume normal activities within a few days.
How is the healing process?
A2M signals the destructive cells to stop their degenerative effect. This inhibiting factor makes A2M a viable option for biolgic treatments and promotes increased strength, and improves overall function. This is called the healing cascade, which can be active and take place over a 4-6 week period.
What is the long-term outcome?
Patients can expect to see significant improvement in symptoms over the course of healing time. This procedure may eliminate the need for more invasive treatments, such as surgery or prolonged use of medications. While other treatments such as corticosteroid injections may provide temporary relief and stop inflammation, A2M injections stimulate healing of the injury over a short period of time with less side effects. Patients report improvement in symptoms and return of function, but it takes time; four to six weeks. Many patients require two to three treatments before the injured tissues are completely healed and may experience a dramatic return of function and relief.
What can I expect immediately following the procedure?
The anesthetic used to numb the skin generally wears off in 1-2 hours. Mild pain and swelling may occur at the injection site at this time. Majority of the patients are able to return to usual activities with no down time.
Pure PRP GS 60ml
Provides versatility, shorter processing times, reduced processing steps, better regenerative cell procurement
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